Em parceria com a Fluido Filmes e a Niche, agência do Twitter, criamos 20 gifs animados para Mastercard. O objetivo era mostrar o quanto é rápido e fácil efetuar pagamentos em qualquer lugar usando o app Samsung Pay Mastercard - uma nova tecnologia que dispensa o uso de cartão de crédito, basta usar o celular.
In partnership with Fluido Films and Twitter agency's Niche, we created 20 animated gifs for Mastercard. The goal was to show how fast and easy is to do payments anywhere using Samsung Pay Mastercard app - a new technology that doesn't require the use of credit card, the phone only.

Client | Mastercard
Agency | Niche/Twitter
Copywriter | Bia Poiani
Motion Design | Fluido Filmes
Art Direction + Illustration | Rufus Studio
Year | 2016